It has been a real pleasure to give a complete overhaul over the past few weeks. I’ve been working with staff and students there to move the site beyond being simply a static and unused web presence which it has been for the past few years.
The site is now completely rebranded using images taken by students on expedition all over the world. It looks amazing! It is now also regularly updated and each of Glasgow’s Expedition teams has their own sub-site with a blog etc. They’re just getting used to how it all works, with bespoke training videos provided, but you can see the benefits for the Bolivia team here.
This new format means each year expeditions will be able to build on what has gone before rather than covering old ground. The multisite network also pulls all of the latest from all of the expeditions to one central place ( so there is an easy reference point for academics or funders interested in how the expeditions are going generally.
As well as a regular blog each expedition can now harness the power of the internet to collect online donations, run events and fundraisers like justgiving but without giving away any of the proceeds. It’s really a fantastic platform and one I’m really really proud to support.