I’m delighted that Professor Susan Waldron got back in touch with me this week (www.clad.ac.uk and www.carbonlandscapes.org) to discuss a new web design project with the University of Glasgow – Water @ Glasgow.
Climate change, dwindling carbon based energy sources and population growth are all conspiring to make water one of the most ‘at risk’ natural resources and yet it is vital to all life on Earth. The University of Glasgow has staff working across Science, Engineering, Social Science, Medicine and the Arts to ensure that it is a centre of excellence in water research and teaching. They aim to deliver new water technologies, new understanding of water in the natural and built environment, innovation in the governance of water and better public health in Scotland and in the most vulnerable regions of the Globe.
The site will highlight the wide array of diverse interdisciplinary research that academics from across Glasgow are doing together to tackle these issues. Given my own research background in climate change adaptation for freshwater conservation I’m particularly excited to be involved.